Kelley is an award-winning artist whose ability to capture the personality
of her subject and the awe of nature sets her art apart.
Margo works
in the contemporary representational/realism style using either
oils or pastels.
Portraiture, pets and landscapes are her main
focus. She is a keen observer of nature and successfully
captures the beauty of nature in her paintings.
Animals have always been an important
part of Margo's life and she feels a special bond with them.
Painting gives Margo a chance to immortalize their beauty, spirit
and personality in a portrait. Knowing how much we love our
animal companions, Margo captures each pet's unique
personality and
distinctive features in every portrait. For comments from
satisfied customers, see Testimonials.
Margo has won awards for her work and her paintings hang in private
collections throughout the US. She studied at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts
and the Southern Vermont Arts Center.
Prior to devoting herself fulltime to
her artwork Margo worked as a journalist in the newspaper industry and as a technical writer, graphic artist and web
developer in the high-tech
She now works out of her studio where she dedicates all of her professional talent to her
fine art.
Margo can create your commissioned
painting from photographs you supply. See Photography
Tips for information on taking photographs of your loved one,
pet or house/landscape. If you prefer, Margo can take the
photos for you for a minimal travel charge. Your painting can be set in a favorite
background making your portrait even more personal or Margo can
select a background for you.
Christmas Train --
Selected out of 580 entries to enter the Concord Art Association
12th Annual Frances N. Roddy Juried Open Competition in
September 2011. The exhibit was juried by Ellen Miller,
Ellen Miller Gallery, Boston, MA
Honorable Mention, awarded by
the Chelmsford Art Society for "Lowell II," Oil & Acrylics
category, July 2010
Third Place, awarded by the
Westford Parish Center for the Arts for "Lowell I," Oil &
Acrylics category, March 2010
"Tanzanian Boy"
-- Accepted into the
Concord Art Association Members'
Juried Exhibit - January 2010. The show was juried by Nina
Nielsen, who for 46 years owned Nielsen Gallery on Newbury
Street. Nina is considered one of America's top gallerists.
Many of the artists she has represented over the years have
works in major collections and museums.
- Accepted into the
Silent Art Auction - Harrington's Liquor Wine Tasting Juried
Exhibition, November 2008
- Best of Show, "Critters of
Carlisle," awarded at Carlisle Old
Home Day, June 2008
- Accepted into the "Going to the
Dogs" juried show, a joint fundraiser of The Brush Art Gallery
and Greyhound Welfare. The show was juried by Katherine
French, Executive Director of the Danforth Museum of Art.
April 2008
- Accepted into the
Silent Art Auction - Harrington's
Liquor Wine Tasting Juried Exhibition, November 2007
- First
Place, awarded by the Chelmsford Art Society for "A Day At The
Beach," Artwork
Under Glass category, July 2006
- Honorable
Mention, awarded by the Westford Parish Center for the Arts for
"Molly and Zoey,"
Pastel category, March 2006
- Second Place, awarded by the
Westford Parish Center for the Arts for "Alaskan
Pastel category, March 2005
March - April 2010
- Westford Parish Center for
the Arts 2010 Regional Art Winners' Exhibit
January 12 - February 7, 2010
- Concord Art Association
Members' Juried Exhibit
December 6, 2009
- Holiday Open Studio - solo
December 7, 2008
- Holiday Open Studio - solo
November, 2008
- Silent Art Auction -
Harrington's Liquor Wine Tasting -
Juried Exhibition
June 1 - July 31, 2008
- Solo show at "The Summer
Place," Chelmsford, MA - Reception June 8, Noon to 4 p.m.
April 13 - June 15, 2008
- "Going to the Dogs," a Brush
Art Gallery and Greyhound Welfare Fundraiser at the Brush Art
Gallery, Lowell, MA.
The show was juried by Katherine French, Executive Director,
Danforth Museum of Art
March 2008
- "It's a Landscape, Damnit,"
Group Show at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts
December 2007/January 2008
- Chelmsford Public Library,
Chelmsford, MA - Group Exhibit
November 2007
- Silent Art Auction -
Harrington's Liquor Wine Tasting -
Juried Exhibition
- Chelmsford Town Hall,
Chelmsford, MA
August 2007
- K-9 Carnival, Revolving
Museum, Lowell, MA
June 2007
- Two-artist show at the Summer
Place, Chelmsford, MA
January 2007
- Three-artist show at the Parish
Center for the Arts, Westford, MA
December 2006
- School of the Museum of Fine
Arts Annual Exhibit
July 2006
- 38th Annual 4th of July Art
Show, Chelmsford, MA
Professionally Juried
- Chelmsford Library,
Group Exhibit
March 2006
- 2006
Westford Regional Art Event, Westford, MA
Professionally Juried by The Copley Society
March 2005
- Concord Art Association,
Concord, MA, Members' Exhibit
- 2005 Westford Regional Art
Event, Westford, MA
Professionally Juried